Tired of hefty therapy bills? Studies show that untreated injuries can result in permanent pain or serious health concerns. Our home therapy comes with zero risks—a 100% refund if you're not satisfied. Why wait to alleviate your chronic pain? Take control, manage your pain, and reclaim your life today!
- Say no to complicated surgeries and long recoveries.
- Say goodbye to huge medical bills.
- Say goodbye to the risks of prescription drugs and over-the-counter remedies.
- Invest in your well-being today, risk-free!
The Red Light Therapy Belt for Back Pain stimulates injured cell mitochondria, enabling self-repair. Mitochondria, the powerhouse of cells, rejuvenate and produce healthy cells. When cells are injured, the mitochondria can not function for repair and replication. Red and Infrared Light Therapy provides energy to all cells, especially the injured ones. This energy reactivates stalled mitochondria, allowing injured cells to produce new, healthy ones.
This belt, featuring 660nm red light and 850nm infrared light, works wonders on your body. It activates damaged cells, boosts cell metabolism, and penetrates deep into subcutaneous tissues for maximum impact.
The 660nm light stimulates collagen cells, accelerates their growth, promotes blood circulation, and regulates the nervous system. The result? Improved body immunity, fading stretch marks, tighter skin, and a sculpted figure.
In the realm of red light therapy, the 660nm and 850nm wavelengths have a very great impact on your body—boosting blood circulation, enhancing immunity, slowing skin aging, fading scars, relieving discomfort, and caring for sedentary lumbar spine and muscle strain.
Your body repairs the injury from within. The Red Light Therapy Belt is ideal for fighting inflammation, wound healing, tissue repair, and skin rejuvenation.
Before using the red light therapy belt for back pain, please read the instructions carefully, operate it according to the steps, and use the configured timer switch, the effect will be better, each treatment time is 20 minutes, and it can be used repeatedly every day, rest interval 15-30 minutes, to obtain a good therapeutic effect, long-term use is required.
1. 20 minutes, 1-2 times a day in the same area intervals of 6 hours for at least 8 weeks.
2. Drink some water before and during use.
3. Use the belt on bare skin to get the best light therapy results. If you need to wear clothing, it is recommended to be thin and silky than cotton or thicker material.
4. After use, unplug the power and store it in a cool and dry place.
5. All LEDs are waterproof and it is safe to use a light to clean the surface with a slightly damp cloth.